
Showing posts from May, 2023

Writing Prompt 3

  The day was finally here, the day that the parents had been eagerly awaiting for nine months. As the labor progressed, the excitement in the room grew. Everyone was quietly waiting, anticipating the soon-to-be-arrival of this little one that they had been eagerly awaiting. The labor was hard and long, but eventually, the baby emerged and made its grand entrance into this world. Everyone in the room felt a wave of happiness as they heard the baby’s first cries.

Writing Prompt 9

I'm sorry. I know I made a mistake and I regret it. I know that my actions have hurt you and I take full responsibility for them. I should have acted differently and I apologize for not taking the time t o think before I acted. I'm sorry for the pain I have caused you and I understand if you don't want to forgive me. I am truly sorry and I will do whatever it takes to make amends for what I have done.

Writing Prompt 21

  One thing that definitely does not get better with age is technology. As technology advances, the things of the past quickly become obsolete. We are constantly upgrading our phones, computers, and other devices to keep up with the latest trends and newest features. As technology advances, older devices become slower, less reliable, and more susceptible to problems. Not to mention, newer devices usually look much better and have a much more modern design than the older models.

Writing Prompt 20

  This summer was supposed to be a summer full of travel, adventure, and exploration. I had planned to go to several new places, including a few states I had never been to, and to see some of the most spectacular sights in the country. I dreamed of the sunsets I would witness, the hikes I would take, and the stories I would tell upon my return home.

Writing Prompt 19

  When I was a child, I was fascinated by small things. I remember playing with tiny plastic animals and miniature cars. I would spend hours arranging them in miniature worlds and imagining the stories that could unfold. I loved the way that small items could make a big impac t, and I was often amazed by how intricate and detailed items could be when they were so small.

Writing Prompt 18

  I often think of things I wish I had asked my grandmother before she passed away. I regret not asking her more about her life experiences and her thoughts on the world. I wish I had asked her what her happiest memories were, what she most valued in life, and what advice she could give to me at this time in my life. I would have loved to have spent more time talking to her and getting to know her better.

Writing Prompt 17

 Someone I forgot about was randy orton. When I was younger I used to admire him. He was a wrestler and was a very popular one. I guess when I got older and stopped watching wrestling I forgot about him.

Writing Prompt 16

 A time that i knew something was over is when my mom caught me skipping school. When I heard her voice downstairs I knew I was going to get in trouble. She took all my electronics, and other things she could find entertaining. 

Writing Prompt 15

 A time where I had no fun at all is when I went to my little brother's birthday. We went to a park and threw a party, but the only people that came were my little brother's friends. My brother was having fun but I wasn't at all. I was happy for him but I felt bored around all of those little kids.

Writing Prompt 14

 The one thing in this life for certain is death. People fade away, and animals go extinct. But the one thing that go away is death itself. You can't avoid death, you cant predict it you can only know for certain it's going to happen.

Writing Prompt 13

 Dear Mother, I thank you for everything you have given me. Thank you for the care and nurture you give me. Thank you for the food and shelter you give me as well. Thank you for life and much more. 

Writing Prompt 12

 One day my dad wanted to suprise my mom and do something nice for her. He then went to a seafoob boil restuarant. He got a shrimp and crab boil and brought it to the house. When he got there and suprised my mom she was happy. Her sister however wasn't happy because she was allergic to seafood. She then had a allergic reaction and my mom was mad at my dad for a long time.

Writing Prompt 11

 The only secret that I know has been kept from me was my brother stealing my clothes. He would wait for me to go to school and would use my jackets. I found out when one day I missed the bus and caught him leaving the house with it on. I would've let him use it if he asked but he chose to keep it a secret and be sneaky. 

Writing Prompt 10

 When I was younger I used to take sips of my parents alcohol when I was alone. One day my brother caught me drinking it, and told my mom. My mom was very angry and disciplined. I learned a lesson to not try to grow up too fast, and be sneaky.

Writing Prompt 8

 Something I used to know how to do is a backflip. When I was 10 I was able to do a backflip and have an obsession over it. As I grew older I stoped caring for it and lost the ability to do it. One of these days i'll try to do it again and hopefully I can do it.

Writing Prompt 7

 Something I don't clearly remember was having my old dog nala. I was only 8 when we had her but I only have vague memories. Like the time when I walked up on her when she was outside and she bit me. It wasn't a hard bite and I did walk up on her when she was pregnant and I had a mask on so she couldn't see my face.

Writing Prompt 6

 A time that I knew I was in trouble was when the teachers called my mom. I was talking and playing in class after my teacher told me to stop. When she called my mom I was scared and knew I was in trouble. I was scared the rest of the day because I knew I was going to get a whopping when I got home.

Writing Prompt 5

 I think that I have too much ignorance. I say this because sometimes I come to conclusions without considering all sides and understanding first. For example I used to hate bullies I then came to the conclusion that everyone goes through something different and I can't judge others when I don't understand them. That is why I say I have too much ignorance

Writing Prompt 4

Something that I know I can't deny is sometimes being lazy. I have been accused of being lazy plenty of times and I don't deny it I just don't take it personally. When I know how serious a situation is than I do it but, it's usually when I could've done it earlier. My grades for example, I slack on my classwork early in the semester then try to make up my work last second, and I need to work on that.  

Writing Prompt 2

 Something meaningless that I obsess over is playing the game. It's also a good way to make friends and do when bored, but has no benefits other than that. I play the game everyday so i would say that I obsess over it, but I don't prioritize it over more important things. I know that I need to work on that because in the time that i'm playing the game I could be studying. 

Writing Prompt 1

 A time I dressed inappropriately for an event was when I went to a super bowl party. I came in pajamas while everyone else was dressed appropriately. Everyone was asking me why I came dressed like that and i couldn't do anything but laugh. It was a learning lesson to always be prepared and I definitely learned from it.